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Photographing Horses To Save Their Lives
They are the symbol of the American West -- strong, resolute, assured. And yet, nearly 150,000 wild horses are sent to slaughter each year in the U.S. Though, The Wild and Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act of 1971 was intended to protect them, an increase in cattle interests has caused their allocated territory to diminish. Until recently, their plight has gone largely unnoticed. But, thanks to t... posted on Jan 31 2015, 8,042 reads


Can Hugs Help Keep You Healthy?
When somebody says they "need a hug," it's possible that they are not just being overly dramatic or merely frivolous. According to research from Carnegie Mellon University, it turns out that people might actually need hugs to help ward off illness. Psychologist Dr. Sheldon Cohen, who headed the research, came to this conclusion, "those who receive more hugs are somewhat more protected from infecti... posted on Jan 30 2015, 34,706 reads


9 Inspiring Quotes About The Sacredness of Seeds
"Essential to survival, seeds have profound spiritual implications. For centuries the planting of seed in the earth not only nourished humanity, but also symbolized the mystery of life and the journey of the soul. In our current supermarket lifestyle of pre-packaged products, far removed from the cycles of planting, we have nearly forgotten this mystery. Now as the integrity of the seed is threate... posted on Jan 29 2015, 40,050 reads


The Difference Between Education & Training
"The root word of education -- educare -- means to lead forth a hidden wholeness in another person." These are the words of Rachel Naomi Remen, whose course, the "Healer's Art," is now taught in half of American medical schools and seven countries around the world. Her words remind us that competence and completeness are each held within the other, and that we are already enough.... posted on Jan 28 2015, 35,065 reads


The Forgiveness Of Unforgivable Acts
As a child, Sujatha Baliga experienced repeated abuse at the hands of her own father. The deep pain and trauma of her experience would spur her towards victim advocacy. She enrolled in law school determined to become a prosecutor and help punish the perpetrators of such crimes. But a personal crisis in India followed by a serendipitous sit-down with the Dalai Lama himself, changed everything. "Ho... posted on Jan 27 2015, 44,539 reads


The Art of Noticing ... and Creating
In this interview author, entrepreneur and internet thought leader Seth Godin discusses what he believes has become the "Connection Economy". Godin's belief is that there is a way to go about getting good at noticing things, and then being able to turn around and help others make that connection. And no matter on how small a scale, it is then that he thinks 'art' happens.... posted on Jan 26 2015, 8,315 reads


Stunning Images of the Power of Education
World-renowned photojournalist Steve McCurry has been one of the most influential voices in contemporary photography for more than thirty years. In this photo essay, McCurry takes you around the globe and offers up striking images of children and their learning environments, from Tanzania to Sri Lanka and from Mali to Peru. Enjoy these beautiful photos and the accompanying quotes on the power of e... posted on Jan 25 2015, 21,821 reads


What The People Of The Amazon Know That You Don't
"Many human afflictions are diseases of the heart, the mind and the spirit. Western medicine can't touch those. I cure them." Deep in the Amazon rainforest, there are a small number of indigenous tribes who maintain a healing tradition that far pre-dates the development of modern medicine. In this powerful TED talk, ethnobiologist Mark Plotkin outlines the many challenges and perils that are endan... posted on Jan 24 2015, 33,432 reads


Knitting Behind Bars
You wouldn't expect to find a knitting class 'behind bars', so to speak. But, for roughly two hours out of every week that's exactly where you'll find some of the male inmates incarcerated at the minimum security prison in Jessup, Maryland. The program is called, Knitting Behind Bars and it is the brainchild of co-founder, Lynn Zwerling. "It teaches you how to focus.It teaches you how to make a ta... posted on Jan 23 2015, 6,395 reads


From Sharing Economy To Gift Ecology
Technology advances and a consumer-based world have created a 'sharing economy', where it becomes easy to commoditize things that were typically offered as gifts. Consider the difference between offering your neighbor a lift to the airport, and using Uber to find a stranger who will pay you for a ride. When society focuses all its energy on monetary pursuits, what happens to the spirit of voluntee... posted on Jan 22 2015, 21,291 reads


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Quote Bulletin

Our greatest responsibility is to be good ancestors.
Jonas Salk - inventor of the polio vaccine.

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